
Matches 151 to 200 of 458

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 #  Source ID   Title, Author 
151 S504 Find A Grave
152 S713 Frederick County MD Archives Marriage Book
Abstracted by Barbara Muller 
153 S309 G Cassady database
George Cassady 
154 S466 Garnavillo Iowa; Gem of The Prairie; History 10,000 B.C. to 1876 A.D.
Roggman, Arnold D and Laverne E. 
155 S359 Genealogical and Biographical Record of Kendall and Dekalbl Counties, Ill
156 S559 Genealogical and Biographical Record of Kendall and Will Counties, Illinois
157 S548 Genealogical and Family History of the State of Connecticut: a record of the achievements of her people in the making of a commonwealth and the founding of a nation.
Cutter, William Richard; Edward Henry Clement, Samuel Hart, Mary Kingsbury Talcott, Frederick Bostwick, Ezra Scollay Stearns.  
158 S556 Genealogical Records Committee database
National Society Daughters of the American Revolution 
159 S365 Genealogies of Connecticut Families from the New England Historical and Genealogical Register
Gary Boyd Roberts (Ed.) and Judith McGhan (Index) 
160 S704 Genealogy of the Bliss family in America: from about the year 1550 to 1880
John Homer Bliss, Oliver Bliss, and Syslvester Bliss 
161 S113 Genealogy of the Sears Family
Nelson Evans Sears 
162 S531 General Land Office Records: [Online Database]
Bureau of Land Management 
163 S421 George W. Carver of Cloud County, Kansas; His Ancestry from Robert Carver of Marshfield, Plymouth Colony And Some of His Descendants
Renee Carver 
164 S702 German Auxiliary Soldiers Who Remained In North America After The Revolutionary War And Whose Military Service And Family Histories Have Been Researched And Published Or Documented By The JSHA
Johannes Schwalm Historical Association 
165 S603 Gleanings
Martha Humphreys Maltby 
166 S692 Gloucestershire, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1538-1813
Gloucestershire Anglican Parish Registers 
167 S498 Goodrich Cemetery 41.85508
168 S152 GW Carver of Cloud Co KS
169 S696 Hale, House, and Related Famalies Mainly of the Connecticut River Valley
Donald Lines Jacobus and Edgar F Waterman 
170 S442 Hardy and Bruin Ancestors Rootsweb ID: I-26929 or I-20874
L. Ploenske 
171 S12 Harrison County Cemetery Records (to 1984)
Maxine Taraba (Ed.), Harrison County Genealogical Society, Bethany, Missouri  
172 S787 Historic Pennsylvania Church and Town Records, reel 623
Historical Society of Pennsylvania; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania  
173 S19 Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and History of Kendall County, Vol II
Newton Bateman and Paul Selby 
174 S30 History and Genealogy of the Families of Old Fairfield, Volume II
Donald Lines Jacobus, M.A. 
175 S676 History and Genealogy of the Mayflower Planters and First Comers to Ye Olde Colonie
Leon Clark Hills 
176 S661 History Of Addison County Vermont; With Illustrations And Biographical Sketches Of Some Of Its Prominent Men And Pioneers
Edited By H. P. Smith Syracuse, N. Y. 
177 S339 History of Clayton County, Iowa; together with sketches of its cities, villages and townships, educational, religious, civil, military, and opolitical history; portraits of prominent persons, and biographies of representative citizens
Rialto E. Price 
178 S129 History of Hocking Valley Ohio
179 S345 History of Macomb County, Michigan; Containing, an account of its settlement...
Michael A Leeson 
180 S695 History of New London County, Connecticut: With Biographical Sketches of Many of Its Pioneers and Prominent Men
Duane Hamilton Hurd 
181 S553 History of Niagara County, N.Y., 1821-1878, with Illustrations Descriptive of its Scenery, Private Residences, Public Building, Fine Blocks, and Important Manufactories, Portraits of Old Pioneers and Prominent Residents
182 S734 History of Northampton Massachusetts From its Settlement in 1654
James Russell Trumbull Vol I 
183 S679 History of old Yarmouth. Comprising the present towns of Yarmouth and Dennis. From the settlement to the division in 1794 with the history of both towns to these times
Charles F Swift 
184 S300 History of The Town of Pittsford, Vt. with Biographical Sketches and Family Records
Caverly, A.M. (Pittsford Historical Society, 1976) 
185 S390 History of Wayne County, New York
186 S470 Hospital Report
University of California San Francisco 
187 S566
Find A Grave website founder Jim Tipton 
188 S715
Lovettsville Historical Society 
189 S558
Jorge H. Castelli 
190 S709
191 S731 
192 S719 Idaho Death Index, 1911-51
Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, Bureau of Health Policy and Vital Statistics, Boise Idaho  
193 S814 Idaho, U.S., Birth Records, 1861-1919, Stillbirth Index, 1905-1967
State of Idaho, Bureau of Vital Statistics 
194 S736 Illinois Deaths and Stillbirths 1916-1947
Public Board of Health Archives, Springfield. 
195 S804 In Memory by funeral home
196 S501 In Memory of Gwendolyn Anne Hoyer
197 S589 In Memory of:
198 S580 Indiana, Marriage Collection, 1800-1941 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2005
Family History Library 
199 S602 Indiana, Select Marriages Index, 1748-1993 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2014.
200 S780 Indiana, U.S., Death Certificates, 1899-2011
Indiana State Board of Health 

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