function TrimString(sInString) { sInString = sInString.replace( /^\s+/g, "" );// strip leading return sInString.replace( /\s+$/g, "" );// strip trailing } function getTree(treefield) { if(treefield) { if(treefield.options.length ) return treefield.options[treefield.selectedIndex].value; else { alert(selecttree); return false; } } else return tree; //global tree } function generateID(type,dest,treefield) { var tree = getTree(treefield); if(tree !== false) { var params = {type:type,tree:tree}; jQuery.ajax({ url: cmstngpath + 'admin_generateID.php', data: params, dataType: 'html', success: function(req){ jQuery(dest).val(req); } }); } } function checkID(checkID,type,dest,treefield) { var tree = getTree(treefield); if(tree !== false) { var params = {checkID:checkID,type:type,tree:tree}; jQuery.ajax({ url: cmstngpath + 'admin_checkID.php', data: params, dataType: 'html', success: function(req){ jQuery('#'+ dest).html(req); } }); } } function openChangeTree(entity,tree,id) { tnglitbox = new LITBox('admin_changetreeform.php?entity='+entity+'&oldtree='+tree+'&entityID='+id,{width:420,height:300}); return false; } function onChangeTree(form) { if(form.newtree.selectedIndex < 1) return false; else return true; } function insertCell(row,index,classname,content,colspan,rowspan) { var cell = row.insertCell(index); cell.className = classname; cell.innerHTML = content ? content : content + ' '; if(colspan) cell.colSpan = colspan; if(rowspan) cell.rowSpan = rowspan; return cell; } function getActionButtons(vars,type,notesflag,citesflag) { var celltext = ""; var dims = "width=\"20\" height=\"20\" class=\"smallicon\""; var onstr = type == "Citation" ? "-on" : "-off"; if(vars.allow_edit) celltext += ""; if(vars.allow_delete) celltext += ""; if(vars.allow_cite) celltext += ""; if(notesflag) celltext += ""; if(citesflag) celltext += ""; return celltext; } function insertActionButtons(row,index,vars,notesflag,citesflag) { if(vars.allow_edit) insertCell(row,index++,'action-btn',""); if(vars.allow_delete) insertCell(row,index++,'action-btn',""); if(vars.allow_cite) insertCell(row,index++,'action-btn',""); if(notesflag) insertCell(row,index++,'action-btn',""); if(citesflag) insertCell(row,index++,'action-btn',""); } function addEvent(form) { if( form.eventtypeID.selectedIndex == 0 ) alert(entereventtype); else if( form.eventdate.value.length == 0 && form.eventplace.value.length == 0 && == 0 ) alert(entereventinfo); else { var params = jQuery(form).serialize(); jQuery.ajax({ url: cmstngpath + 'admin_addevent.php', data: params, type: 'POST', dataType: 'json', success: function(vars){ var eventtbl = document.getElementById('events_table'); var newtr = eventtbl.insertRow(eventtbl.rows.length); = "row_""_top"; newtr.className = "row_"; var rowspan = 0; if( rowspan++; if(vars.eventdate || vars.eventplace) rowspan++; if(!rowspan) { rowspan = 1; = " "; } c = insertCell(newtr,0,"pad5",vars.display+':',0,rowspan); = "top"; var div; var onclick = vars.allow_edit ? " onclick=\"return editEvent('" + "');\"" : ""; if(vars.eventdate || vars.eventplace) { div = '
' + vars.eventdate + '
'; insertCell(newtr,1,"",div); div = '
' + vars.eventplace + '
'; insertCell(newtr,2,"",div); insertActionButtons(newtr,3,vars,allow_notes,allow_cites); if( { var newtr_bot = eventtbl.insertRow(eventtbl.rows.length); = "row_""_bot"; newtr_bot.className = "row_"; div = '
' + + '
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' + + '
'; insertCell(newtr,1,"",div,2); insertActionButtons(newtr,2,vars,allow_notes,allow_cites); } = ''; tnglitbox.remove(); } }); } return false; } function updateEvent(form) { var eventID = form.eventID.value; var params = jQuery(form).serialize(); jQuery.ajax({ url: cmstngpath + 'admin_updateevent.php', data: params, type: 'POST', dataType: 'json', success: function(vars){ var tds_top = jQuery('tr#row_'+eventID+'_top td'); var tds_bot = jQuery('tr#row_'+eventID+'_bot td'); var first_cell = tds_top.eq(1); var tr_top = jQuery('tr#row_'+eventID+'_top'); if(vars.eventdate || vars.eventplace) { if(first_cell.attr('colspan') == '2') { first_cell.remove(); var event_title = tds_top.eq(0); var event_date_td = $(''); var event_date_div = $('
').html(vars.eventdate).addClass('cust-event-field'); var event_place_td = $(''); var event_place_div = $('
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').html('cust-event-field'); event_info_div.attr('onclick', 'return editEvent("' + '");'); event_info_td.append(event_info_div); event_info_td.appendTo(tr_bot); tr_bot.insertAfter(tr_top); } tds_top.eq(0).attr('rowspan','2'); tds_top.eq(3).attr('rowspan','2'); } else { if(tds_bot.length) { tds_bot.remove(); tds_top.eq(0).attr('rowspan','1'); tds_top.eq(3).attr('rowspan','1'); } } } else { first_cell.children(0).html(; if(first_cell.attr('colspan') != '2') { first_cell.attr('colspan','2');; } tds_top.eq(0).attr('rowspan','1'); tds_top.eq(3).attr('rowspan','1'); if(tds_bot.length) tds_bot.remove(); } tnglitbox.remove(); var tds = jQuery('tr.row_'+eventID+' td'); jQuery.each(tds,function(index,item){ jQuery(item).effect('highlight',{},200); }); } }); return false; } function editEvent(eventID) { tnglitbox = new LITBox(cmstngpath + 'admin_editevent.php?eventID=' + eventID,{width:750,height:500,doneLoading:function(){$('#eventdate').focus();}}); return false; } function newEvent(prefix,persfamID,tree) { tnglitbox = new LITBox(cmstngpath + 'admin_newevent.php?prefix='+prefix+'&persfamID='+persfamID+'&tree='+tree,{width:750,height:500,doneLoading:function(){$('#eventtypeID').focus();}}); return false; } function deleteEvent(eventID) { if(confirm(confdeleteevent)) { var tds = jQuery('tr.row_'+eventID+' td'); jQuery.each(tds,function(index,item){ jQuery(item).effect('highlight',{color:'#ff9999'},200); }); var params = {eventID:eventID}; jQuery.ajax({ url: cmstngpath + 'admin_deleteevent.php', data: params, dataType: 'html', success: function(req){ jQuery('.row_'+eventID).fadeOut(200); } }); } return false; } function showNotes( eventID, persfamID ) { if(eventID == 'ALTBE') eventID = jQuery('#altbirthtype').val(); tnglitbox = new LITBox(cmstngpath + 'admin_notes.php?eventID=' + eventID + '&persfamID=' + persfamID + '&tree=' + tree,{width:645,height:600,doneLoading:initNoteSort}); return false; } function showCitations( eventID, persfamID ) { if(eventID == 'ALTBE') eventID = jQuery('#altbirthtype').val(); tnglitbox = new LITBox(cmstngpath + 'admin_citations.php?eventID=' + eventID + '&persfamID=' + persfamID + '&tree=' + tree,{width:645,height:600,doneLoading:initCitationSort}); return false; } function showMore( eventID, persfamID ) { if(eventID == 'ALTBE') eventID = jQuery('#altbirthtype').val(); tnglitbox = new LITBox(cmstngpath + 'admin_editmore.php?eventID=' + eventID + '&persfamID=' + persfamID + '&tree=' + tree,{width:600,height:480}); return false; } function showAssociations(persfamID,orgreltype) { //assocType = "I"; tnglitbox = new LITBox('admin_associations.php?orgreltype=' + orgreltype + '&personID=' + persfamID + '&tree=' + tree,{width:645,height:440}); return false; } var prevsection = null; function gotoSection(start,end) { prevsection = start; if(start && end) jQuery('#'+start).fadeOut(200,function(){ jQuery('#'+end).fadeIn(200,function(){ if(jQuery('#mytitle').length) jQuery('#mytitle').focus(); else if(jQuery('#newnote').length) jQuery('#newnote').focus(); else if(jQuery('#currnote').length) jQuery('#currnote').focus(); }); }); else { jQuery('#mlbox').remove(); start.remove(); } return false; } function addNote(form) { if( form.note.value.length == 0 ) alert(enternote); else { var params = jQuery(form).serialize(); jQuery.ajax({ url: cmstngpath + 'admin_addnote.php', data: params, type: 'POST', dataType: 'json', success: function(vars){ vars.allow_cite = 1; var div = jQuery('
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'); var cell1 = insertCell(newtr,1,"lightback",getActionButtons(vars,'Note')); cell1.width = "80"; var cell2 = insertCell(newtr,2,"lightback",vars.display) cell2.width = "435"; div.append(newnotetbl); jQuery('#notes').append(div); initNoteSort(); jQuery('#notestbl').show(); gotoSection('addnote','notelist'); jQuery('#notesicon'+form.eventID.value).removeClass('admin-note-off-icon'); jQuery('#notesicon'+form.eventID.value).addClass('admin-note-on-icon'); } }); } return false; } function editNote(noteID) { var params = {noteID:noteID}; jQuery.ajax({ url: cmstngpath + 'admin_editnote.php', data: params, dataType: 'html', success: function(req){ jQuery('#editnote').html(req); gotoSection('notelist','editnote'); } }); return false; } function updateNote(form) { if( form.note.value.length == 0 ) alert(enternote); else { var noteID = form.ID.value; var params = jQuery(form).serialize(); jQuery.ajax({ url: cmstngpath + 'admin_updatenote.php', data: params, type: 'POST', dataType: 'json', success: function(vars){ var tds = jQuery('tr#row_'+noteID+' td'); tds.eq(2).html(vars.display); gotoSection('editnote','notelist'); tds.each(function(index,item){ jQuery(item).effect('highlight',{},2500); }) } }); } return false; } function deleteNote(noteID,personID,tree,eventID) { if(confirm(confdeletenote)) { var tds = jQuery('tr#row_'+noteID+' td'); tds.each(function(index, item){ jQuery(item).effect('highlight',{color:'#ff9999'}, 100); }) var params = {noteID:noteID,personID:personID,tree:tree,eventID:eventID}; jQuery.ajax({ url: cmstngpath + 'admin_deletenote.php', data: params, dataType: 'html', success: function(req) { jQuery('#row_'+noteID).fadeOut(200); if(req == '0') { jQuery('#notesicon'+eventID).addClass('admin-note-off-icon'); jQuery('#notesicon'+eventID).removeClass('admin-note-on-icon'); } } }); } return false; } function initNoteSort() { jQuery('#notes').sortable({tag:'div', update:updateNoteOrder}); } function initCitationSort() { jQuery('#cites').sortable({tag:'div', update:updateCitationOrder}); } function updateNoteOrder(event,ui) { var notelist = removePrefixFromArray(jQuery('#notes').sortable('toArray'),'notes_'); var params = {sequence:notelist.join(','),action:'noteorder'}; jQuery.ajax({ url: cmstngpath + 'ajx_updateorder.php', data: params, dataType: 'html' }); } function updateCitationOrder(event,ui) { var citelist = removePrefixFromArray(jQuery('#cites').sortable('toArray'),'citations_'); var params = {sequence:citelist.join(','),action:'citeorder'}; jQuery.ajax({ url: cmstngpath + 'ajx_updateorder.php', data: params, dataType: 'html' }); } function removePrefixFromArray(arr,prefix) { for(var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { if(arr[i].indexOf(prefix) == 0) arr[i] = arr[i].substring(prefix.length) } return arr; } var subpage = false; function showCitationsInside(eventID, noteID, persfamID) { subpage = true; var xnote = noteID != "" ? noteID : ""; var params = {eventID:eventID,persfamID:persfamID,noteID:xnote,tree:tree}; jQuery.ajax({ url: cmstngpath + 'admin_citations.php', data: params, dataType: 'html', success: function(req){ jQuery('#citationslist').html(req); gotoSection('notelist','citationslist'); initCitationSort(); } }); return false; } function addCitation(form) { if( form.sourceID.value == "" ) alert(selectsource); else { var params = jQuery(form).serialize(); jQuery.ajax({ url: cmstngpath + 'admin_addcitation.php', data: params, type: 'POST', dataType: 'json', success: function(vars){ var div, newcitetbl, newtr, cell1, cell2, iconid; for(var c = 0; c < vars.length; c++) { if(vars[c].eventID == form.eventID.value) { div = jQuery('
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'); cell1 = insertCell(newtr,1,"lightback",getActionButtons(vars[c],'Citation')); cell1.width = "70"; cell2 = insertCell(newtr,2,"lightback",vars[c].display) cell2.width = "445"; div.append(newcitetbl); jQuery('#cites').append(div); } initCitationSort(); jQuery('#citationstbl').show(); gotoSection('addcitation','citations'); iconid = vars[c].eventID == 'SLGC' ? 'SLGC' + form.persfamID.value.replace('::','--') : vars[c].eventID; jQuery('#citesicon' + iconid).removeClass('admin-cite-off-icon'); jQuery('#citesicon' + iconid).addClass('admin-cite-on-icon'); } } }); } return false; } function editCitation(citationID) { var params = {citationID:citationID}; jQuery.ajax({ url: cmstngpath + 'admin_editcitation.php', data: params, dataType: 'html', success: function(req){ jQuery('#editcitation').html(req); gotoSection('citations','editcitation'); } }); return false; } function updateCitation(form) { var citationID = form.citationID.value; var params = jQuery(form).serialize(); jQuery.ajax({ url: cmstngpath + 'admin_updatecitation.php', data: params, type: 'POST', dataType: 'json', success: function(vars){ var tds = jQuery('tr#row_'+citationID+' td'); tds.eq(2).html(vars.display); gotoSection('editcitation','citations'); jQuery.each(tds,function(index,item){ jQuery(item).effect('highlight',{},2500); }); } }); return false; } function deleteCitation(citationID,personID,tree,eventID) { if(confirm(confdeletecite)) { var tds = jQuery('tr#row_'+citationID+' td'); jQuery.each(tds,function(index,item){ jQuery(item).effect('highlight',{color:'#ff9999'},2500); }); var params = {citationID:citationID,personID:personID,tree:tree,eventID:eventID}; jQuery.ajax({ url: cmstngpath + 'admin_deletecitation.php', data: params, dataType: 'html', success: function(req){ jQuery('#row_'+citationID).fadeOut(200); if(req == '0') { var iconid = eventID == 'SLGC' ? 'SLGC' + personID.replace('::','--') : eventID; jQuery('#citesicon' + iconid).removeClass('admin-cite-on-icon'); jQuery('#citesicon' + iconid).addClass('admin-cite-off-icon'); } } }); } return false; } function addAssociation(form) { if( form.passocID.value == "" ) alert(enterpassoc); else if(form.relationship.value == "") alert(enterrela); else { var params = jQuery(form).serialize(); jQuery.ajax({ url: 'admin_addassoc.php', data: params, dataType: 'json', success: function(vars){ var associationstbl = document.getElementById('associationstbl'); var newtr = associationstbl.insertRow(associationstbl.rows.length); = "row_"; insertCell(newtr,0,"lightback",getActionButtons(vars,'Association')); insertCell(newtr,1,"lightback",vars.display) = ''; gotoSection('addassociation','associations'); jQuery('#associcon').removeClass('admin-asso-off-icon'); jQuery('#associcon').addClass('admin-asso-on-icon'); } }); } return false; } function editAssociation(assocID, tree) { var params = {assocID:assocID, tree:tree}; jQuery.ajax({ url: 'admin_editassoc.php', data: params, dataType: 'html', success: function(req){ jQuery('#editassociation').html(req); gotoSection('associations','editassociation'); } }); return false; } function updateAssociation(form) { var assocID = form.assocID.value; var params = jQuery(form).serialize(); jQuery.ajax({ url:'admin_updateassoc.php', data: params, dataType: 'json', success: function(vars){ var tds = jQuery('tr#row_'+assocID+' td'); tds.eq(1).html(vars.display); gotoSection('editassociation','associations'); jQuery.each(tds,function(index,item){ jQuery(item).effect('highlight',{},2500); }); } }); return false; } function deleteAssociation(assocID,personID,passocID,tree) { if(confirm(confdeleteassoc)) { var tds = jQuery('tr#row_'+assocID+' td'); jQuery.each(tds,function(index,item){ jQuery(item).effect('highlight',{color:'#ff9999'},200); }); var params = {assocID:assocID,personID:personID,passocID:passocID,tree:tree}; jQuery.ajax({ url: cmstngpath + 'admin_deleteassoc.php', data: params, dataType: 'html', success: function(req){ jQuery('#row_'+assocID).fadeOut(200); if(req == '0') { jQuery('#associcon').removeClass('admin-asso-on-icon'); jQuery('#associcon').addClass('admin-asso-off-icon'); } } }); } return false; } function updateMore(form) { var params = jQuery(form).serialize(); jQuery.ajax({ url: cmstngpath + 'admin_updatemore.php', data: params, dataType: 'html', type: 'POST', success: function(req){ //if something saved, put an asterisk in the "More" button if(req == "1") { jQuery('#moreicon'+form.eventtypeID.value).removeClass('admin-more-off-icon'); jQuery('#moreicon'+form.eventtypeID.value).addClass('admin-more-on-icon'); } else { jQuery('#moreicon'+form.eventtypeID.value).removeClass('admin-more-on-icon'); jQuery('#moreicon'+form.eventtypeID.value).addClass('admin-more-off-icon'); } tnglitbox.remove(); } }); return false; } var dtimer; function showEdit(div) { jQuery('#' + div).slideToggle(200); return false; } function updateList(select,div,listdiv) { var list = ""; var gotnone = false; var firstone = null; jQuery('#'+select+' >option:selected').each(function(index, option) { if(!option.value) { gotnone = true; firstone = option; } if(list) { if(gotnone) { list = ""; firstone.selected = false; gotnone = false; } else list += ", "; } list += option.text; }); jQuery('#' + listdiv).html(list); showEdit(div); } function quitEdit(div) { dtimer = setTimeout("showEdit('"+div+"')",3000); } function closeEdit(select,div,listdiv) { dtimer = setTimeout("updateList('"+select+"','"+div+"','"+listdiv+"')",500); } function changeAltBirthType() { jQuery('#altbirthlabel').html(jQuery("#altbirth option:selected").text()); jQuery('#altbirthtype').val(jQuery("#altbirth option:selected").val()) } var activebox; var seclitbox; function openFindPlaceForm(field, temple) { activebox = field; var value = jQuery('#'+field).val(); var templestr = temple ? "&temple=1" : ""; seclitbox = new LITBox('findplaceform.php?tree=' + tree + '&place=' + encodeURIComponent(value) + templestr, { width:645,height:540, doneLoading:function(){ jQuery('#myplace').val(value); initFilter(null,seclitbox,field,null); if(value) { applyFilter({form:'findform1',fieldId:'myplace',type:'L',tree:tree,destdiv:'placeresults',temple:temple}); } document.findform1.myplace.focus(); } } ); return false; } function findItem(type,field,titlediv,findtree,findbranch,media) { var newpage, mediaparts, mediastr, branchstr; if(media) { mediaparts = media.split('_'); if(mediaparts[0] == 'm') mediastr = '&mediaID=' + mediaparts[1]; else mediastr = '&albumID=' + mediaparts[1]; } else mediastr = ''; //activebox = field; switch(type) { case "I": newpage = "findpersonform.php"; startfield = "myffirstname"; break; case "F": newpage = "findfamilyform.php"; startfield = "myhusbname"; break; case "S": newpage = "findsourceform.php"; startfield = "mytitle"; break; case "R": newpage = "findrepoform.php"; startfield = "mytitle"; break; case "C": newpage = "findciteform.php"; startfield = "mytitle"; break; case "L": newpage = "findplaceform.php"; startfield = "myplace"; break; } branchstr = findbranch ? '&branch=' + findbranch : ''; seclitbox = new LITBox(cmstngpath + newpage + '?tree=' + findtree + branchstr + mediastr,{ width:670, height:540, onremove:function(){ if(jQuery('#mlbox').length){ jQuery('#mlbox').remove(); } }, doneLoading:function(){ jQuery('#'+startfield).focus(); } }); initFilter(null,seclitbox,field,titlediv); return false; } function returnValue(value) { jQuery('#'+activebox).val(value); seclitbox.remove(); if(jQuery('#country').length && !jQuery('#country').prop('selectedIndex') && !jQuery('#state').prop('selectedIndex')) fillCemetery(value); return false; } function fillCemetery(value) { //explode place var parts = value.split(','); if(parts.length > 0) { var ptr = parts.length - 1; var current = parts[ptr].trim(); if(jQuery('#country').prop('selectedIndex') < 1 && jQuery('#state').prop('selectedIndex') < 1 && !jQuery('#county').val() && !jQuery('#city').val() && !jQuery('#cemname').val()){ jQuery('#country > option').each(function(index, option) { if(this.value == current) { jQuery('#country').prop('selectedIndex',index); ptr -= 1; current = parts[ptr].trim(); return false; } }); jQuery('#state > option').each(function(index, option) { if(this.value == current) { jQuery('#state').prop('selectedIndex',index); ptr -= 1; if(ptr >= 0) { jQuery('#county').val(parts[ptr].trim()); ptr -= 1; } if(ptr >= 0) { jQuery('#city').val(parts[ptr].trim()); ptr -= 1; } jQuery('#cemname').val(parts[ptr].trim()); return false; } }); } } } function fillPlace(form) { var place = form.cemname.value; if(place && place += ", "; place +=; if(place && form.county.value) place += ", "; place += form.county.value; if(place && form.state.options[form.state.selectedIndex].value) place += ", "; place += form.state.options[form.state.selectedIndex].value; if(place && > 0) place += ", "; place +=[].value; jQuery('#place').val(place); jQuery('#location').val(place); jQuery('#place').effect('highlight',{},120); } var assocType = "I"; function activateAssocType(type) { if(type == "I") { jQuery('#person_label').show(); jQuery('#family_label').hide(); } else if(type == "F") { jQuery('#person_label').hide(); jQuery('#family_label').show(); } assocType = type; } var mrcaType = "I"; function activateMrcaType(type) { if(type == "I") { jQuery('#person_label').show(); jQuery('#family_label').hide(); } else if(type == "F") { jQuery('#person_label').hide(); jQuery('#family_label').show(); } mrcaType = type; } var lastFilter = ""; var lastCriteria = "c"; var filterStartSection, filterEndSection, itemIDField, itemTitleDiv; var timeoutId = 0; function filterChanged(event, options) { clearTimeout(timeoutId); var keycode; if(event) keycode = event.keyCode; else if(e) keycode = e.which; else return true; if(keycode == 9 || keycode == 13) return false; timeoutId = setTimeout(function() { applyFilter(options) },500); } function applyFilter(options) { var form = document.getElementById(options.form); options.criteria = document.getElementById(options.fieldId).value; if(form.filter) options.filter = form.filter[0].checked ? form.filter[0].value : form.filter[1].value; else options.filter = "c"; if(options.criteria == lastCriteria && options.filter == lastFilter) { return false; //don't search because it's the same as it was the last time } jQuery('#'+options.destdiv).html('' + loadingmsg + ""); lastCriteria = options.criteria; lastFilter = options.filter; jQuery.ajax({ url: cmstngpath + 'finditems.php', data: options, dataType: 'html', type: 'get', success: function(req) { jQuery('#'+options.destdiv).html(req); } }); return false; } function initFilter(start, end, idfield, titlediv) { lastCriteria = ""; filterStartSection = end; filterEndSection = start; itemIDField = idfield; itemTitleDiv = titlediv; if(start && end) gotoSection(start, end); return false; } function retItem(id, linktype, place) { var returntext = jQuery('#item_'+id).text(); if(itemIDField == "children") { var childcount = parseInt(jQuery('#childcount').html()) + 1; returntext += "| - " + id + "
" + jQuery('#birth_'+id).html(); var params = {personID:id,display:returntext,familyID:persfamID,tree:tree,order:childcount,action:'addchild'}; jQuery.ajax({ url: 'ajx_updateorder.php', data: params, type: 'POST', dataType: 'html', success: function(req){ jQuery('#childrenlist').append(req); jQuery('#child_'+id).fadeIn(400); jQuery('#childcount').html(childcount); jQuery('#childrenlist').sortable({tag:'div', update:updateChildrenOrder}); } }); } else if(itemIDField == "imagemap") { var current = jQuery('#mlbox'); var pos = current.position(); var imgpos = jQuery('#myimg').position(); var x1 = Math.round(pos.left - imgpos.left); var y1 = Math.round( -; var x2 = x1 + current.width(); var y2 = y1 + current.height(); var maptree = jQuery('#maptree').val(); saveRectangle(maptree, linktype, id, ''); } else if(itemIDField == "dupIDs") { var all_ids = jQuery('#'+itemIDField).val(); if(all_ids) all_ids += ","; all_ids += id; jQuery('#'+itemIDField).val(all_ids); } else { jQuery('#'+itemIDField).val(place ? returntext : id); if(itemTitleDiv && jQuery('#'+itemTitleDiv).length) { if(jQuery('#birth_'+id).length && jQuery('#birth_'+id).html()) returntext += " (" + jQuery('#birth_'+id).html() + ")"; if(jQuery('#id_'+id).length) returntext += " - " + id; if(jQuery('#'+itemTitleDiv).attr('type') == "text") { jQuery('#'+itemTitleDiv).val(returntext); jQuery('#'+itemTitleDiv).effect('highlight',{},400); } else jQuery('#'+itemTitleDiv).html(returntext); } if(jQuery('#deststrfield')) jQuery('#deststrfield').html('(' + returntext + ')'); } gotoSection(filterStartSection, filterEndSection); if(jQuery('#country').length && !jQuery('#country').prop('selectedIndex') && !jQuery('#state').prop('selectedIndex')) fillCemetery(returntext); return false; } function initNewItem(type, destid, idfield, titlediv, start, end) { itemIDField = idfield; itemTitleDiv = titlediv; generateID(type, destid); return gotoSection(start,end); } function saveSource(form) { if(form.sourceID.value) { var params = jQuery(form).serialize(); params.ajax = 1; jQuery.ajax({ url: 'admin_addsource.php', data: params, type: 'POST', dataType: 'html', success: function(req){ if(req.indexOf("error:") == 0) { jQuery('#source_error').html(substr(req,6)); } else { jQuery('#'+itemIDField).val(form.sourceID.value); jQuery('#'+itemTitleDiv).html(form.shorttitle.value ? form.shorttitle.value : form.title.value); var dest = itemIDField == 'sourceID' ? 'addcitation' : 'editcitation'; gotoSection('newsource',dest); jQuery('#source_error').html(""); form.reset(); } } }); } return false; } function getTempleCheck() { return (jQuery("#temple").length && jQuery("#temple").prop('checked') ? 1 : 0); } function copylast(form, citationID) { jQuery('#lastspinner').show(); var params = {citationID:citationID}; jQuery.ajax({ url: 'ajx_getlastcite.php', data: params, dataType: 'json', success: function(vars){ //fill in form values form.sourceID.value = vars.sourceID; form.citepage.value = vars.citepage; form.quay.selectedIndex = vars.quay == "" ? 0 : parseInt(vars.quay) + 1; form.citedate.value = vars.citedate; form.citetext.value = vars.citetext; form.citenote.value = vars.citenote; jQuery('#sourceTitle').html(vars.title); jQuery('#lastspinner').hide(); } }); return false; }